Sign up for beta

Plug-and-play cloud observability that doesn't require a Ph.D.

Actionable signal detected from lots of sources and directed to the right person at the right time Sign up for beta

Join our beta program

As DevOps-savvy developers, we were frustrated with existing observability tools. Tedious configurations, steep learning curves, noisy alerts, and cluttered dashboards made our work difficult (and much less fun). We got tired of dealing with slow and clunky interfaces and missing important events that could have saved us hours of work and stress.

So we built Aeroview to be the observability tool we always wanted. We believe that observability should be a seamless part of your workflow as a proactive tool — not something you dread opening after an incident.

Good observability is when the right person gets the right information at the right time. It's when it can wait until Monday. It's when you can sleep well at night. That's our goal with Aeroview.

We will soon be opening up our free beta program for those who want early access and want to help shape our product. Please fill out the form below and we'll reach out when we're ready.

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